Dear Praying and Supporting Friends,

We praise the Lord for your faithful prayers and support of us. Time has flown and we have already completed four years on the field, praise the Lord! We will be returning home on a furlough in June and if you would like us to be with you please contact us via e-mail Bryan2brazil or you can phone us at 317-641-7194. We have booked meetings with many of you already and we look forward to reporting in person.

Parque Bristol

We have been at Parque Bristol now for several months. The people are warming up to us and we have already seen great things happening there. We had the privilege of baptizing five people the week before Easter. The church was so excited. They have been bringing their friends and family and we have had someone saved nearly every week! They want to win their friends and loved ones to Christ but are unsure how so we began teaching soul winning in Sunday School. It is fun to watch them hesitantly practice on each other and then watch them bring even more friends and family to be saved. Please pray with us that we will be able to get all the paper work in order so that the church property will be placed officially in the name of the church. This will help the church to be able to grow and go on further for the Lord. We are excited with the future of this church.

Visao Mundial

Visao Mundial is keeping a steady pace now. We have a core group of faithful people. Recently we have been seeking much advice as the rent on the building is steadily climbing. As you may recall we already had to leave our home to try and cover the rent. Soon we will be hitting $R5,000 in rent (approximately . $2,500) a month. That does not include water and electric. There are some months we barely get that much coming in for support so every dime goes to keeping the doors open. Obviously we can not keep on going as the rent will continue to climb every year due to a new law. With much prayer and advice we have decided that a merger of the two churches is our best option.


Due to our decision we will be merging the two churches , which are about 20 minutes drive apart, into one church in Parque Bristol. Both churches have taken the news very well. We will be selling our car in order to purchase a Kombi ( a Volkswagon van) . We will offer free transportation to the new location for everyone who attends Visao Mundial or for any new families who want to come. We are excited about the future of the church as one unit. There is much to be gained by moving the two into one location. Please pray that everyone keeps a positive attitude in all this, and that the merger goes through smoothly.


Rebekah is doing much better. We have no idea what was wrong with her but it all seems to be better now. Thank you for your prayers. Pray for all of us as we pack up the house and move it into storage. By closing the Visao Mundial location we will be without a home so storage is our only option for now. Rebekah and the boys are all looking forward to seeing family and friends on furlough. We do ask that you pray for our safety as we return.

In His Service,

Bryan & Rebekah
Jeff, David, & Lee Johnson

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