Dear Praying and Supporting Friends,

We have had a great short time in America dropping off our youngest son, Lee at Bible college. Thank the Lord he is settling in and has a good job. He was able to room with his brothers and is quite pleased with that. We were able to check in with some of our supporting churches as well as meet some new churches. It was a good visit. We praise the Lord for an opportunity to teach in our son’s bus kids Sunday school class. It was a joy watching our family lead people to Christ over the summer there in America.

We are pleased that there were visitors back in Brazil in our absence. There were a few issues that came up with a neighbor putting holes in our nursery wall but praise the Lord they came and patched it up. We will need to paint now that we are back.

We have mentioned in an e-mail an opportunity to purchase a property for our church and many of our ministries. It would also have a parsonage. The dollar has hit a high of over 4 Reis to each dollar. we need to raise $200,000. They have already dropped the price by 40% off of what the property is worth. We are asking each of our churches to consider taking an offering and sending it to BIMI with a notation of property. We will use this to purchase the property for our church. One of the most difficult things we do on the field of Brazil is getting a property. The cost of living in Brazil is higher than in the USA, and the minimum wage is $1.30 per hour. We already have about $14,000 saved for this project.

We are excited as we get back to work in Brazil, but we ask for your prayers as we left all of our children behind. Pray that God will give us the miracle we need for the finances to purchase property for our church.

In His Service,

Bryan and Rebekah Johnson
Sao Caetano do Sul, Sao Paulo, Brazil

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